
Web developer | iOS developer

This page about me!

My story is short. I am a guy from the town, I lived and was, but somehow there was an interest in IT. It probably started with games that I couldn't play because of the difficulty (Europa Universalis 4, etc.), well, in a single player game, I started using commands and digging into game configs, cheats, trainers, and so on. Well, I had a dream, like many others, to make my own game...

... Well, well, I turned in the wrong direction because I ended up in Web programming. Okay in order. HTML is the first thing I learned. further CSS, Javascript, and python. I still write in Python. then there was a stagnation for about a year 2 could not find itself. Studied from the word 'everything!' Godot, Ruby, Go, C#, Flutter. But now I have chosen the main direction is SwiftUI, NextJS and Django.

Flutter is cool, but not for huge projects, but for small and simple applications, as for me, this is a cool framework

I did not immediately come to NextJS. I got my hands on React but I hated Javascript and now I write exclusively in Typescript because it's really a convenient thing. And NextJS is generally a cool framework!

I have learned Django well. The framework is robust, user-friendly, beautiful and stable, and Django has the best documentation I've seen.

That's all. that's all you need to know about me. my contacts below as well as the repository of this site follow the link.

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